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Art   -  Wellness  -  Hope

Welcome to Soul Valley, where we explore, share and celebrate the good within each one of us!

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Meet the Artist

Pooja Kapoor

I was born and brought up in India, and currently live with my husband and two children in England. The inspiration for my art has its roots in my association with my spiritual teacher, who taught me to live life in a way which connects me to the Universe and all that it comprises. There is a sense of extreme energy and unbiased love which I feel for the world. My art is a way of expressing these thoughts and the spiritual teachings which have been imbibed in my life. Each artwork I produce represents a spiritual message, and serves as a reminder of the beautiful lives we all have. 

With Soul Valley, I endeavor to expand the spiritual message through not only art, but also other products we use in our daily lives serving as a constant reminder of the great lives we all have. 


God bless!

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"Art washes away from the soul, the dust of every day life"


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Wet Paintbrushes

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